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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução

Área do conteúdo

HGP9020 Processamento Textual: Construindo o Sentido de Textos

Processamento textual: Construindo o sentido de textos (04 créditos)

Estudo dos processos cognitivos envolvidos na construção das representações mentais em compreensão leitora durante a tradução. Escrutínio de tópicos relacionados a modelos de criação de representações mentais, conhecimento prévio e construção do sentido, memória de trabalho e construção de sentido e estratégias na construção de representações.


Albrecht, J.E. & O’Brien, E.J. (1995). “Goal processing and the maintenance of global coherence”. In R.F. Lorch & E.J. O’Brien (Eds.). Sources of Coherence in Reading. New Jersey, USA: LEA.

Caillies, S., Denhière, G. & Jhean-Larose, S. (1999). “The intermediate effect: Interaction between prior knowledge and text structure”. In H. Van Oostendorp & S.R. Goldman (Eds.). The Construction of Mental Representations during Reading. New Jersey, USA: LEA.

Ferstl, E.C. & Kintsch, W. (1999). “Learning from text: Structural knowledge assessment in the study of discourse comprehension”. In H. Van Oostendorp & S.R. Goldman (Eds.). The Construction of Mental Representations during Reading. New Jersey, USA: LEA.

Gee, J.P. (2000). “Discourse and sociocultural studies in reading”. In M.L. Kamil, P.B. Mosenthal, P.D. Pearson & R. Barr (Eds.), Handbook of Reading Research, Vol. III. New Jersey, USA: LEA.

Graesser, A.C. & Kreuz, R.J. (1993). “A theory of inference generation during text comprehension”. Discourse Processes, 16, 145-160.

Johnson, H.M. & Seifert, C.M. (1999). “Modifying mental representations: Comprehending corrections”. In H. Van Oostendorp & S.R. Goldman (Eds.). The Construction of Mental Representations during Reading. New Jersey, USA: LEA.

Jones, C.M. (1995). “Construction of a mental model”. In R.F. Lorch & E.J. O’Brien (Eds.), Sources of Coherence in Reading. New Jersey, USA: LEA.

Kamas, E.N. & Reder,L.M. (1995). “The role of familiarity in cognitive processing”. In R.F. Lorch & E.J. O’Brien (Eds.), Sources of Coherence in Reading. New Jersey, USA: LEA.

Kintsch, W. & van Dijk, T.A. (1978). “Towards a model of text comprehension and production”. Psychological Review, 85, 263-294.

Lorch, R.F. (1995). “Integration of topic information during reading”. In R.F. Lorch & E.J. O’Brien (Eds.), Sources of Coherence in Reading. New Jersey, USA: LEA.

Magliano, J.P., Trabasso, T. & Graesser, A.C. (1999). “Strategic processing during comprehension”. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(4), 615-629.

McCallum, R.D. & Moore, S. (1999). “Not all imagery is created equal: The role of imagery in the comprehension of main ideas in exposition”. Journal of Reading Psychology, 20, 21-60.

Murray, J.D. (1995). “Logical connectives and local coherence”. In R.F. Lorch & E.J. O’Brien (Eds), Sources of Coherence in Reading. New Jersey, USA: LEA.

Narvaez, D., van den Broek, P. & Ruiz, A.B. (1999). “The influence of reading purpose on inference generation and comprehension in reading”. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(3), 488-496.

O’Brien, E.J. & Myers, J.L. (1999). “Text comprehension: A view from the bottom up.” In S. R. Goldman, A.C. Graesser & P.Van den Broek (Eds.), Narrative Comprehension, Causality, and Coherence: Essays in honor of Tom Trabasso. New Jersey, USA: LEA.

Tapiero, I. & Otero, J. (1999). “Distinguishing between textbase and situation model in the processing of inconsistent information: Elaboration versus tagging”. In H. Van Oostendorp & S.R. Goldman (Eds.), The Construction of Mental Representations during Reading. New Jersey, USA: LEA.

Tomitch, L.M.B. (1996). “Individual differences in text organization perception and working memory capacity”. Revista da ANPOLL, 2, 71-93.

________________ (1999-2000). “Individual differences in working memory capacity and the recall of predicted elements in the text”. Lenguas Modernas, 26-27, 31-51.

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