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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução

Área do conteúdo

Areas of concentration & lines of research


The Postgraduate Programme in Translation Studies  (POET, in the Portuguese acronym) has currently one Area of Concentration, Processes of Retextualization, within which students can pursue research in two main lines:

1- Translation: praxis, historiography and the circulation of communication

2 – Translation: language, cognition and technological resources

The Area of Concentration, Processes of Retextualization, is deliberately ample without being generic: it seeks to investigate the overarching phenomenon of the translation of texts (here in the broadest definition) across cultures, times, languages and medias. Translation thus being the subject and the object of the retextualization process insofar as it promotes a textual and discursive change of an oral or written text.  We believe this Area of Concentration is therefore able to accommodate the diverse research interests of our researchers and students who come from different academic and professional backgrounds. This is in line with the aim of our programme of welcoming diversity and originality in the pursue of research excellence.


Information about the lines of research will be provided soon.

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