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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução

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Joining POET as an Academic

POET welcomes academics and researchers from all around the world. According to the Brazilian system of postgraduate studies, for academics to be able to assume positions in postgraduate programmes they must be, at least, PhD holders.

Within the programme, affiliation is divided into four types: Permanent Members, Collaborators, Visiting Professors and Post-doc/Independent Researchers.

Permanent members are expected to teach, advise, conduct research and take administrative positions within the programme. Collaborators are expected to either teach and advise or conduct research, and are not expected to take administrative positions (external collaborators cannot take administrative positions in the programme). Visiting Professors are normally hired for 1 year renewable up to 4 years by means of internal public selection conducted by the Provost Office of Research and Graduate Studies (PRPPG) or are awarded professorships by research agencies. In either case, they must apply with the Programme Office first. They are expected to teach, advise and conduct research, but cannot hold administrative positions. Post-doc researchers conduct their research within the programme and must be under the supervision of a Permanent Member; they can teach, but cannot advise or hold administrative positions.

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