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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução

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Agências e Órgãos de Fomento

CAPES – Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. It is a government agency linked to the Brazilian Ministry of Education in charge of promoting high standards for post-graduate courses in Brazil. The agency evaluates educational establishments every two years, and grades them according to the standards of the courses provided. The grade scale is from 1 to 7, where 1 is the lowest standard — the maximum that an institution offering up to a Master’s degree will gain is 5, whereas an institution offering a Ph.D. will gain up to 7. There isn’t an English version of the site. (source: Wikipedia)

CNPq – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) is an organization of the Brazilian federal government under the Ministry of Science and Technology, dedicated to the promotion of scientific and technological research and to the formation of human resources for research in the country. There isn’t an English version of the site. (source: Wikipedia)

DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – German Academic Exchange Service. The German Academic Exchange Service or DAAD is the largest German support organisation in the field of international academic co-operation.

FUNCAP – Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. FUNCAP is the state of Ceará agency for the promotion of scientific and technological development. It is located in the capital, Fortaleza.

Postgraduate Programmes in Translation Studies

PGET – Postgraduate programme (stricto sensu) in Translation Studies at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. it was the first programme in Translation Studies to be created in Brazil in September 2003.

TRADUSP – No institutional webpage at the moment. The link leads to the page of the Department of Modern Letters (DLM).

POSTRAD – Postgraduate programme in Translation Studies at the University of Brasilia (UnB). No English version at the moment.

Research Centres and Societies

Casa Guilherme de Almeida: Centro de Estudos da Tradução – The Center for Literary Translation Studies of “Casa Guilherme de Almeida” – created in reference to the relevant role of Guilherme de Almeida as a translator of languages ​​such as German, Spanish, French, Ancient Greek and English – constitutes a space for reflection on the art of literary translation . The Center of Studies opens to the diverse point of views and approaches on translation, promoting the convergence professional translators, presenting the academic research in Translation Studies and integrating both with the editorial context in which the translated literature is transmitted.

Centro Interdepartamental de Tradução e Terminologia – TRADUSP (USP) :: The Interdepartmental Translation and Terminology Center (CITRAT) was formally constituted in December 1992. The Departments of the Faculty of Letters include: Classical and Vernacular Letters, Modern Letters, Eastern Letters, Linguistics and Literary Theory and Comparative Literature.

Centro de Referência Haroldo de Campos – Casa das Rosas :: The Haroldo de Campos Collection – housed in Casa das Rosas since its donation to the state of São Paulo in 2004 – is composed of books that were part of the poet’s library and objects and works of art from his personal collection. Based on this initial set, the collection is being expanded through donations and acquisitions. Composed of approximately 20 thousand volumes, between books and periodicals, the Haroldo de Campos Collection represents a singular space of research. The poet’s range of interest is reflected in the diversity of the collection, where 34 languages ​​and numerous foreign literatures are represented. Haroldo’s reading notes, in the form of signs, marginal notes and reference indexes, represent a valuable source of investigation of the poet’s reading and reflection process.


ALFA: Revista de linguística (UNESP) :: Alfa: Journal of Linguistics, classified as level A1 in the Web Qualis/CAPES system, has been published since 1962 with the main objective of providing a space for the dissemination of ideas, proposals and research results related to the different theoretical and methodological approaches and all lines of linguistic research, both in Brazil and abroad. The regular volumes, with periodicity of three annual numbers, and special numbers, when there is editorial interest, publish articles, retrospectives, reviews, interviews and translations. Qualis 2013-2017: A1

Belas Infiéis :: Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos da Tradução da Universidade de Brasília – The journal Belas Infiéis appeared in 2011. This semi-annual electronic academic journal aims to disseminate articles, translated articles, literary translations, interviews, commented translations, book reviews that deal with Translation Studies, translation reviews, and “archives”. These works will be produced by students and researchers of Postgraduate and Bachelor’s degrees in Translation, belonging to national and foreign institutions of recognized academic merit, translators, translation scholars, in order to offer a further space for the dissemination and discussion of academic production About Translation Studies. It is intended for scholars and researchers in this field of knowledge, and is an invitation to deepen their studies and share experiences. Qualis 2013-2017: B2.

Cadernos de Literatura em Tradução (USP) :: The Cadernos de Literatura em Tradução is a co-edition of the Department of Modern Letters and CITRAT – Interdepartmental Translation Center – both of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo. The main objective of Cadernos is to publish literature in Portuguese and Portuguese translation, especially poetry and short fiction, accompanied by comments. It also publishes articles on literary translation, interviews and reviews of published translations. Qualis 2013-2017: B2

Cadernos de Tradução :: Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação da Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaCadernos de Tradução was created in 1996 by professors of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. It is an academic journal of the Postgraduate Studies in Translation and publishes articles, interviews and reviews related to translation (analysis, theory, history). Currently, Cadernos de Tradução represents a recognized national and international forum for the discussion of research in the area of ​​Translation Studies, being indexed in several national and foreign bases and again evaluated with maximum concept, A1, in Web Qualis/CAPES. Its aim is to publish research results in the field of Translation Studies in Brazil and abroad and follow the debate in the area, whose interdisciplinarity is inherent to it. It publishes articles of high quality that offer an effective scientific and academic contribution to the Area. In addition, the criteria adopted for the selection of the works are: novelty, originality, clarity, relevance to the area. Qualis 2013-2017: A1.

Estudos Linguísticos (GEL) :: Since its inception, Revista Estudos Linguísticos publishes articles that have been presented during the Seminars of the Group of Linguistic Studies of the State of São Paulo by professors and researchers, including postgraduate students. It is an electronic and annual journal, composed of three volumes. Submissions of articles are accepted in several areas of language studies, sub-areas of Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and Letters. The call for submission of papers is released after the GEL Seminar and it is necessary to prove participation in the seminar for submissions to be accepted. The timetable for submissions is determined by the journal editor. Qualis 2013-2017: B2.

Meta: Journal des Traducteurs/Translator’s JournalMeta est une revue universitaire internationale, avec double évaluation anonyme par les pairs, dédiée à la recherche en traduction, en interprétation et en terminologie sous différents angles : traductologie (théorie), pédagogie, littérature, domaines de spécialités, histoire de la traduction et de l’interprétation, aspects cognitifs, traduction automatique, traduction audiovisuelle, etc. Publiée depuis 1955, la revue s’adresse plus particulièrement aux chercheurs en traduction, en interprétation et en terminologie, mais aussi à tous ceux qui s’intéressent aux faits de langue. La revue publie en français, en anglais et en espagnol. Meta a notamment pour mission de valoriser la diffusion scientifique en français et se donne comme objectif de publier 50 % de contenu dans cette langue; Meta encourage donc fortement les auteurs qui maitrisent le français à soumettre leur proposition d’article dans cette langue.

Remate de Males (IEL-UNICAMP) – Território da Tradução, a thematic issue on translation. Qualis 2013-2017: A2.

Target. International Journal of Translation StudiesTarget promotes the scholarly study of translational phenomena from any part of the world and welcomes submissions of an interdisciplinary nature. The journal’s focus is on research on the theory, history, culture and sociology of translation and on the description and pedagogy that underpin and interact with these foci. We welcome contributions with a theoretical, empirical, or applied focus. We especially welcome papers on topics at the cutting edge of the discipline, as well as shorter positioning statements which may encourage discussion by contributors to the “Forum” section of the journal. The purpose of the review section is to introduce and discuss the most important publications in the field and to reflect its evolution. Qualis 2013-2017: A1.

Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada (UNICAMP) :: Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada is a four-monthly publication, linked to the Postgraduate Program in Applied Linguistics of the Institute of Language Studies of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), with volumes published in: January-April (v.1), May- August (v.2) and September-December (v.3). With more than twenty years of existence, the journal, which has maintained a relevant academic quality, aims to disseminate unpublished works and contribute to the constant renewal and expansion of the area of ​​Applied Linguistics. The journal is interested in publishing texts that reflect on language, from some axes: interculturality and identities; Language education; Technologies and social networks; translation; Multimodalities and intermidialities; Linguistic anthropology; Language policies; Speeches and policies. Also commented translations of current articles, interviews and reviews of recent works and of relevance for the area of ​​interest of the journal are published.. Qualis 2013-2017: A1.

TRADTERM (USP) :: Since its inception in 1994, the journal has hosted a wide range of topics, including theoretical and practical aspects of translation, literary and poetic translation, legal and technical translation, business translation, comic books translation, audiovisual translation, electronic tools, corpus linguistics, terminology and conference interpretation. In two decades of activity, TradTerm has established itself as a reference in its field of knowledge, receiving contributions from academics from various Brazilian institutions, from all over America and from several European countries, including Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Italy And Norway. To live up to the growing academic interest in topics related to translation and terminology, TradTerm passed in 2010 to be published every six months. Qualis 2013-2017: B2.

Tradução em Revista (PUC-RJ) :: The journal Tradução em Revista was created in 2004 by the Translation Studies Department of the Department of Letters of PUC-Rio, initially in printed form and with annual periodicity. In 2006 it became exclusively electronic, being linked to the Post-Graduation Program in Language Studies of PUC-Rio, and started being published semestrally from 2009 onwards. It publishes articles in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish on the theory, practice and history of translation and interpretation, with emphasis on thematic dossiers organized by members of the Editorial Committee and invited researchers. Reviews and interviews may also be published. Qualis 2013-2017: B2.

Translatio :: A journal published by the Olga Fedossejeva Center at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – A journal on translation, theory, translation review, commented translation and book reviews. Qualis 2013-2017: B2.

Translation and Literature :: Translation and Literature is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal focusing on English Literature in its foreign relations. Qualis 2013-2017: A2.

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