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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução

Área do conteúdo

Visiting Professorships

Visiting professorships are offered by the Federal University of Ceará trough the Provost of Postgraduate Studies and Research (PRPPG) to academics of outstanding achievements in their fields of expertise.

Applications are received all year round by the Programme Office and then submitted to PRPPG for internal selection during the calls for application.

There are four categories in which academics can apply for the Visiting Professor position:

  • Senior: monthly remuneration of R$ 18 895,71 (roughly US$ 5 750,00 or  5 100,oo as of June, 2017);
  • Pleno – monthly remuneration of R$ 17.130,74 (roughly US$ 5 200,00 or 4 600,00 as of June, 2017);
  • Junior – monthly remuneration of R$ 15 413,91 (roughly US$ 4 600,00 or 4 100,00 as of June, 2017).

More information of the documents necessary to apply can be obtained contacting our Programme Office at poet@ufc.br.

Visiting Professorships awarded by Brazilian agencies

Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)

  • Visiting Professorship for Foreigners (PVE) – active until 2016, had a duration of up to 12 months. CAPES is now preparing a new professorship programme.

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)

  • Visiting Professor (PV – Visiting Researcher) – the professorship has a duration from 3 (three) to 12 (twelve) months renewable for additional 12 months. It includes:

(a) monthly stipend of R$ 5.200,00 (roughly US$ 1 500,00/ 1 400,00)
(b) flight tickets to and from Fortaleza;
(c) allowance for accommodation and moving equal to one mensal instalment.

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