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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução

Área do conteúdo

Aims and Expected Alumni Profile

Main Goal

POET, a postgraduate programme in Translation Studies at the Federal University of Ceará, aims to train students to carry out theoretical or practical research in the field of translation studies, to teach at higher education institutions in the area of ​​translation studies, as well as to train primary and secondary school teachers to use translation in class as a means to acquire a second, third (or n-th) language. Besides that, our students will be prepared to act as professional translators and critics, writing and preparing commented editions of translations.

The programme also aims at

1. Providing continuous and specific training in Translation Studies to undergraduate students in Language and Literature, as well as in other areas;

2. Connecting the research conducted at the undergraduate level to the research carried out in POET by means of global integrated projects within the framework of PIBIC and PIBID, in which undergraduates conducting research of in training for becoming teachers, post-graduates and postdoctoral students can work together;

3. Providing the necessary support to the development of research through incentives to researchers, teachers, students and other programme participants;

4. Encouraging the creation of new research groups and forums for discussion and dissemination of the programme progress and outcomes;

5. Intensifying national cooperation, especially with the related programmes of PGET, the Federal University of Santa Catarina, POSTRAD, University of Brasília, and TRADUSP, University of São Paulo, but also with research centres of excellence in translation, such as Casa Guilherme de Almeida, Casa das Rosas, Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation and the National Library Foundation, as a means of integrating the area’s research groups;

6. Intensifying international cooperation, especially through formal and bilateral agreements that allow the mobility of researchers and students from and to Brazil;

7. Continuing to promote internationalization through the provision of courses in other languages, especially English (the de facto “lingua franca” of the academic world, especially in the area of ​​Translation Studies), Spanish, French and Italian, and by the promotion of papers in these languages ​​and their publication in international journals of impact, especially in view of the new periodic evaluation parameters of postgraduate programmes established by CAPES;

8. Creating cooperation agreements according to the demands and needs of the programme;

9. Establishing POET as a reference centre in Translation Studies in Northeaster Brazil ;

10. Encouraging the study of a plurality of languages ​​and cultures, extending research to languages ​​not yet served, such as non-Indo-European languages ​​relevant to our culture (Yoruba, for example), LIBRAS, Latin, Greek (ancient and modern ), Sanskrit, Old Norse, Slavic languages, Uralo-Altaic languages, etc;

11. Contributing to the improvement of the translator’s working tools;

12. Enabling the preparation of annotated translations of important texts in different areas, from different languages ​​and cultures, in order to provide translation models that may encourage new practices among translators;

13. Enabling the preparation of annotated translations of important texts, and of different areas, of texts in Portuguese for a wide range of languages;

14. Publishing, through our website (https://ppgpoet.ufc.br), the content of research and translations produced under the programme in its entirety, promoting open access and democratization of knowledge produced with taxpayer money;

15. Making the institutional page of the POET (www.ppgpoet.ufc.br) a trilingual portal (Portuguese, English and Spanish), ensuring the availability of dissertations and theses produced as well as other types of bibliographic production and multimedia content (videos, podcasts, interviews, etc.);

16. Investing in online learning through the promotion of online courses through videoconferencing and live streaming of events and lectures;

17. Create, with the help of José Lambert and other specialists in the field, the Brazilian Journal of Literary Translation (BJLT), a journal that will seek the internationalization of the programme through the dissemination of state-of-the-art research in the form of articles, reviews and essays published only in English. The journal will incorporate, from its inception, the recommendations of important indexers such as Scielo, Doaj, Ulrich, Dialnet and Latindex and intends to fill a gap in the academic scenario, which is mostly aimed at the national public.

Expected Alumni Profile

The profile of the student who completes the Master’s Degree in Translation Studies at POET is that of a professional with excellent theoretical training versed in the most updated state-of-the art theories and technologies in the field, competent to act as an academic teaching in universities in the country and abroad, in public and private elementary and secondary schools and able to find employment in the market as a professional translator, critic, editor, governmental institutions and NGO’s, and as a member of transnational organizations.

In order to do so, the programme offers its students opportunities to develop different skills required of the future researcher and academic/ teacher, such as those related to:

(a) the practice of research, not only individual, but also in a team through Academic Production Seminars, mini-courses and Workshops;

(B) solid knowledge of the theories and methodologies of translation studies and their interfaces with linguistic, literary, sociological and philosophical studies;

(C) the development of skills essential to academic work, such as those required for teaching, especially in the context of teaching internships, activities of research, organization of events, training in writing scientific papers and discussing research results, always having as a goals the collaborative action in research networks;

(D) participation in institutional forums where decisions relevant to the academic life are taken, encouraging student representatives to participate actively in the programme’s ordinary and extraordinary meetings where the strategic planning of POET is outlined and executed.

In order to achieve the first two items, the academics and advisors at the programme conduct their teaching and research activities in a harmonious and holistic way. In addition, academics try to integrate their students and advisees in the different research groups they lead, where individual and collective projects are developed, readings and discussions of theoretical texts are carried out, postgraduate courses in related areas are suggested and relations established with others researchers from Brazil and abroad.

Students receive encouragement and financial assistance from the programme to (a) participate in and present communications, lectures and panels at academic events, (b) data collection and field research, (c) access to specialized libraries and visits to centres of research, thus enabling the creation of other networks of international academic collaboration.

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