Congresso “Textperformance und Kulturtransfer”
Data da publicação: 21 de novembro de 2018 Categoria: Eventos, Notícias, PalestrasTextperformance und Kulturtransfer | Text Performances and Cultural Transfer
5 de dezembro a 6 de janeiro de 2018.
Saarland University – Forschungszentrum Hermeneutik und Kreativität
To date, research has been particularly interested in the formal and referential sides of original or translated texts. Accordingly, formal stylistic analysis, content interpretation and the translatologi-cal description of all constants and divergences resulting from the contrastive comparison of source and target texts are widespread. These are all factors that can be deduced from the text structure itself.
A text is known to be a parole-act (Saussure), i. e. a realization of linguistic potentialities. Alt-hough it can be described as an independent entity, it only becomes effective in concrete situa-tions of use. The same textual product can form the basis of different communicative events. This circumstance led to the development of approaches to describe the communication situa-tion and the relationship of the interactants in pragmatics (Austin, Searle, Grice). The focus was usually on the sender, until reception-theoretical studies dealt more with the role of the recipient (reception aesthetics, hermeneutics). The common denominator of these perspectives is the con-ception of the text as part of a performance that has a unique and unrepeatable character in its con-nection to the presentation and reception situation: a text is read, presented, declaimed or sol-emnly spoken, sung, etc. in ever different ways. Every text reception is also a unique event, which is affected by different variables. Finally, the eminent hermeneutic activity of the translator can be understood as an intercultural performance in which the role of the original recipient and the role of the recipient of the target converge. It leads to a language product that has clear traces of this individual performance. Different translators perform in different ways.
This change of perspective in the text sciences, which is also gradually gaining importance in translation studies, proves to be the basis for the dialogue between different disciplines. The fruitful application of theoretical concepts from the fields of performativity research, theatre studies and musicology is proving to be profitable for translatological theory building. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers from various disciplines who focus on the indi-vidual performative handling of texts by translators and other mediators in order to gain new and further insights in this eminently humanistic field of textuality.
Mittwoch | Wednesday 05.12.2018
14:00–14:45 |
Anmeldung | Registration Kaffee | Coffee
14:45–15:00 |
Einführung | Introduction Marco AGNETTA & Larisa CERCEL |
15:00–15:45 |
Vortrag | Talk Rainer KOHLMAYER Die schriftliche
15:45–16:30 |
Vortrag | Talk Lavinia HELLER Translatorische Treue und philosophische Freiheit |
16:30–16:45 |
Kaffeepause | Coffee break |
16:45–17:30 |
Vortrag | Talk Alberto GIL La fidélité créatrice als performative Größe und |
17:30–18:30 |
Performance Bettina |
ab 18:30 |
Donnerstag | Thursday 06.12.2018
8:45 |
Kaffee Coffee break
9:00–9:45 |
Vortrag | Talk Douglas ROBINSON Periperforming Translation and Development at the |
9:45–10:30 |
Vortrag | Talk Beata PIECYCHNA Hermeneutics Meets Cognitive Sciences: On the Notion |
10:30–10:45 |
Kaffeepause | Coffee break
10:45–11:30 |
Vortrag | Talk Robert DE BROSE Translating Pindar as Oral Poetry: the Role of a |
11:30–12:15 |
Vortrag | Talk Christoph KUGELMEIER Von der Rezitation auf die Bühne. |
12:15–14:30 |
Mittagessen | Lunch |
14:30–15:15 |
Vortrag | Talk Johannes KANDLER Der Ludus
15:15–16:00 |
Vortrag | Talk Michael SEIBEL Ansätze zu einer phänomenologischen Herangehensweise |
16:00–16:15 |
Kaffeepause | Coffee break
16:15–17:00 |
Vortrag | Talk Juan REGO
17:00–17:45 |
Vortrag | Talk Christian HILD Es sind ja nicht
17:45–18:00 |
Abschluss der Konferenz Marco AGNETTA & Larisa CERCEL |