Defesa de dissertação: The translation of monologues and dialogues to screen: the case study of Women in love (1969)
Data da publicação: 21 de fevereiro de 2024 Categoria: Bancas de Defesa, Defesa de Mestrado, Estudos da Tradução, Notícias, Tradução intersemióticaA POET convida para a defesa de mestrado de Samira Silva de Souza Lima, a ser realizada no dia 26/02/2024, a partir das 16h, via Google Meet.
Discente: Samira Silva de Souza Lima
Orientador: José Cyriel Gerard Lambert
Data: 26/02/2024 às 16h
Link para a sala virtual do Google Meet: clique aqui
Título do Trabalho
The translation of monologues and dialogues to screen: the case study of Women in love (1969)
Women in Love (1969) is a film adaptation, directed by Ken Russell, of D. H. Lawrence’s modern English novel Women in Love (1920). This study aims at investigating the strategies involved in the translation of the monologues and dialogues to screen, in order to understand its implications for the constitution of main characters throughout the filmic narrative structure. Firstly, we examined the procedures used by Ken Russell in the translation process of monologues and dialogues to the screen, observing the implications of his choices for the construction of main characters. Secondly, we have investigated the strategies used by Lawrence in the construction of monologues and dialogues in his narrative, building characters who either challenge or attempt to preserve the values of their time. This research builds on the strengths of Descriptive Translation Studies (TOURY, 1995), considering that the translation process must be studied from a rather analytical and not prescriptive perspective. We also have investigated the norms (TOURY, 1995) which may have worked as constraints to the translation process. In this study, the process of film adaptation is understood as a form of translation, and it is the focus of investigation, based on Descriptive Adaptation Studies (CATTRYSSE, 1992, 2014). We adopted a polysystemic perspective of analysis, taking into consideration socio-historical and political aspects of both the source and the target contexts (EVEN-ZOHAR, 1990). Finally, we used Narratology Studies (BAL, 2017) to build on our narrative analysis. Results point out that the filmic narrative rearranges the distribution of the characters’ lines, mostly by erasing the presence of secondary ones and giving their lines to primary characters. This strategy seems to have been chosen in order to more consistently develop the main characters, avoiding the confusion of having many parallel narratives. As a consequence, the movie intensified the importance of amorous relationships involving Gudrun, Gerald, Ursula, Rupert and, to a certain degree, Hermione, reinforcing their protagonism. Also, long philosophical internal dialogues and monologues from the novel were reduced or erased, speeding up the narrative rhythm. This works well in the cinematographic means of expression. Besides that, the movie is influenced by the norms of a different historical moment, with plenty of social and moral transformations. The focus on the erotic-subversive relationships of the main characters may be an attempt to update the impact of the narrative in the target culture.
Translation Studies;
Adaptation Studies;
Intersemiotic Translation;
Polysystem Theory;
José Cyriel Gerard Lambert (presidente e orientador);
Andreia Guerini (UFSC);
Rafael Ferreira da Silva (POET).