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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução

Área do conteúdo

José Cyriel Gerard Lambert

Titulação: Doutorado em Filologia Românica, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – 1972

Categoria: Visitante

Linha de pesquisa:

1. Teoria, crítica e história da tradução

2. Tradução, ensino/aquisição de língua estrangeira e novas mídias

Lattes (link de acesso)

E-mail: jose.lambert@kuleuven.be

Projetos de Pesquisa

O docente em questão aceitará, preferencialmente, a orientação de projetos de mestrado e doutorado que se enquadrem dentro do(s) seguinte(s) projeto(s) de pesquisa em andamento na Pós-graduação em Estudos da Tradução:

  1. Brazil and the Question of Languages in the Contemporary Global World  – As may easily be observed within all discussions around the “lingua franca” (or rather: the “linguae francae”), the various waves of internationalization and globalization cannot be disconnected from several changes (shifts?) in the relationships between people, societies, institutions, nation-states. One of the sensitive areas, on the world level, is the question of language(s).The project scheduled hic et nunc is of course basically linked with the interdisciplinary issue of globalization, but it focuses on 1° more specific issues, and 2° on the international position of a specific area, i.e. Brazil, within the new world order. Planning: This project is one of the underlying issues in (1) all courses and seminars planned since the beginning of my function at Florianopolis (2011°); (2) most of the Masters and PhD theses coordinated since 2011. The formulation of specific questions has been tested out, as well as answers to particular questions, going from the use of languages and multilingualism to translation. Strategic areas are being tested out, such as the education area (for universities, see Lambert & Iliescu Gheorghiu 2014), oral and written discourse in popular literature (see PhD by Vanessa Lopes Lourenço Hanes 2015), or in magazines; dubbing (and subtitling) (see papers by Master students), language in business environments and international multinationals. Priorities are given to the importation and infiltration movements in various strategic areas such as the media, including websites. The planning during the 4 years of the visiting professorship is being summarized, as well as central hypotheses, in Interim reports that will be published both in Brazilian and in international research channels.

Grupos de Pesquisa


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